Oh hey! Bandanas as tops any day. @ari_appel Pink Kali Bandana +...
Oh hey! Bandanas as tops any day. @ari_appel Pink Kali Bandana + Black Summer Savannah Flair harem pants @raabstract
Full moon Savannah Pants! Thanks for the beautiful photo...
Full moon Savannah Pants! Thanks for the beautiful photo @alishayoga #buddhapants #fullmoon #harempants shot for @omyogamagazine @luke_ayling
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘ BuddhaPants.com
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘ BuddhaPants.com
Inhale. My heart opens to the universe. Exhale. My light, my...
Inhale. My heart opens to the universe. Exhale. My light, my energy, my love expands. Release. I surrender and let go of all the fears and doubts that weigh me down. Repeat. This is my yoga, this...
Are you in Miami? WIN FREE PANTS! Check out @yogartevent! Take...
Are you in Miami? WIN FREE PANTS! Check out @yogartevent! Take a photo while your there to enter and win a pair of pants!! Tag @Buddha_Pants + @Yogartevent + #yogart2014 Winner announced Sunday 5...
