Opening the detox pathways of the body is one of the most critical aspects to our health. Here are 4 ways to detoxify the body to leave you feeling your best!
1.) Choose foods that naturally detox your body. There are many foods that work to naturally support the detox systems in your body. Choose citrus foods like lemons and grapefruits. Both of these make a great additions to water as well!! Incorporate more super foods like chlorella, spirulina, avocados and beets that have anti-inflammatory properties which will allow the body to detox more efficiently. Supporting the detox pathways with antioxidant rich foods is one the simplest ways to detox daily!
2.) Drinking herbal teas! Who doesn't love a warm cup of healing tea? Include more herbal teas with dandelion root, licorice root, holy basil, fennel, and barley. Also incorporating more beverages with ginger and turmeric can be very anti-inflammatory, allowing for the body to naturally get rid of anything that is no longer of service to your healing! One cup a day could go a long way!
3.) Move your body! Movement is also another extremely effective way to open up the detox pathways of the body. When we move we get the lymphatic system flowing which is the system in the body that filters out all toxins, bacteria, and viruses. Walking will get the heart pumping, yoga will get the body stretched out and twisted; almost like ringing your body out like a wet towel, and lifting weights can help decrease insulin surges in the body which works to reduce inflammation. Find movement that feels nourishing to your body today. No matter the time, anything is better than nothing at all!
4.) Stimulate the lymphatic system. As we discussed above, movement works to stimulate the lymphatic system, but there are many other ways in which we can do this. Manual lymphatic massage is something that most people should do everyday. Anytime of day, multiple times a day especially if you struggle with lymphatic stagnancy which includes symptoms such as headaches, struggling to sweat, constipation, and extreme fatigue. Dry brushing and incorporating lymph supporting herbs is also very helpful. Herbs such as cleavers, juniper berries, dandelion and parsley are the best herbs for the lymph! Whether you take them in tincture or teas, they will be highly beneficial in helping support the flow of lymph fluid through your body! Stimulating the lymphatic system can be very easy if we make a habit of supporting it!
Detoxing the body does not have to be as complex as many might think. Reducing inflammation and increasing circulation are the most efficient ways to get the detox pathways open in your body. It is all about finding what works best for you to achieve those things! Try out these simple tips, and take notes of how your body changes over time!
Get to detoxing and look super cute doing it in Buddha Pants' Yala Capris!
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