Thanks for the photo @tattooedyogimama | Full Moon Savannah Pants...
Thanks for the photo @tattooedyogimama | Full Moon Savannah Pants #buddha #ootd #model #tattooed #yogi #pantsthatmakeyoudance
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘
Throwback inversions with @shreeyoga ⁘
Inhale. My heart opens to the universe. Exhale. My light, my...
Inhale. My heart opens to the universe. Exhale. My light, my energy, my love expands. Release. I surrender and let go of all the fears and doubts that weigh me down. Repeat. This is my yoga, this...
#Repost from @hellcatsthlm with...
#Repost from @hellcatsthlm with @repostapp — GUYS!! Since I got a lot of good vibes from you (and IRL-friends, I have some of those too ) about my @buddha_pants, I’ve got a little sometinn-someti...